Be individual, train as you prefer

MARFIT provides training services based on individual check-up. Training background, health situation, muscular condition and restrictions will be taken account. In the modern world and working environment we are not more using our body in the which was appropriate to stay fit. Especially our core and back but also the hamstrings are suffering. Should we start to do something for that?


You will get e.g. 1 weekly session of 60 minutes together with a trainer (4 per month) and you may have a contract for 3, 6 or 12 months. Let us find the best solution for you!


Remark! All offers and services are valid for outdoor or indoor training or for a training at your home in Luxembourg. For your favourite gym (should they allow to train there) the club fees will be added into the price. If you want MARFIT to train/follow you abroad, we are happy to prepare a separate offer.


outdoor or Indoor

With MARFIT you can use the trails and paths, parks etc. to train. We can also use your favourite gym (on their permission of course) or any other available and suitable location. 

At home or wherever

Why not at home? There are indeed lots of possibilities and only few square metres are needed for a proper training. We could even make a mini pop-up gym of your garage!


We sit everyday...and just too much. Our back needs reinforcement, it needs to be moved and used. MARFIT knows what to do.

You will get advice from a trained sports masseur, licenced gym instructor and personal trainer.